The Jade set is one of my favorites. I LOVE it. It's my standard set on Pycklès the paladin. Yes, I do have other Pyckles and other paladins. Check out the green set on my background (Yes, I know, the sword is Alliance only) or look it up in Sexy Plate Transmog. There is a set of shoulders Jade Epaulets that "go" with the set. I use the term "go" loosely. Many of the Vanilla recipe sets looked awesome and then had fail shoulders or helms that didn't quite match even though they were of the same level, name and theme. I have always loved these shoulders because of the color and lamented that there was no real set to match them.
Well I decided to make a set a few weeks ago while playing on the AH. One of my guildies, Glo, likes to sit at the AH with me when the day is done and go window shopping. We try on clothes in the dressing room, compare colors, discuss how something looks on a particular race and so on. And a little tip, if you're worried about discussing if a set of armor makes you butt look fat, make sure there are no guys in vent. You'll never hear the end of it. *coughLoflycough*
Anyways...came across these shoulders for 4k. Well I'm NOT going to pay 4000g for a transmog item. It was fun though to start making a set around the shoulders sticking to what I could find on the Auction House. This is what I've come up with. I did take the time to put it all in WoW Model Viewer and check out some weapons and a few peices that you can switch in out. The pale mint green of the shoulders matches the Battelgear of the Lost Catacombs, the DK tier gear. I used the look alike chest and legs and the switched out the belt, boots and gloves. I did find other legs that matched as well, but I like this chest the best and decided not to make it too mixed. I chose to keep the boots, gloves and belt purple to bring out the purple in the neck of the chest piece. However there are numerous options you can do with this set.
These easiest set to use with these chest and shoulders is the Revenant Plate set. There are actually a couple "revenant" sets in game, Wrath plate pieces, some mail, etc. However I'm talking about the purple Vanilla set. I originally just used the Revenant legs, but decided to go with legs that matched the chest to make the set more cohesive.
Slot | Name | Source |
Shoulders | Jade Epaulets | Random Vanilla Green |
Chest | Ornate Battleplate of the Master | Blacksmithing |
Belt | Symbolic Belt | Random Vanilla Green |
Legs | Articulated Legplates | HoF - Imperial Vizier Zor'lok |
Boots | Shalehusk Boots | BRD - Panzor |
Hands | Revenant Gauntlets | Random Vanilla Green |
Remember when mixing and matching be careful of too many busy patterns. If you have one busy piece, match it or try to keep the other pieces simple. Too many patterns can confuse the eye. Sticking to a few simple single color pieces to bring to set together works very well. Some of the following sets match quite well with this chest and shoulders.
Here are a few individual pieces that go well that aren't part of a set.
Have fun mixing and matching. I did find a few helms that I liked with this set but I'll save those for later. I'll be posting matching weapons and accessories next time. If you do make this set and just want wait, try using Bryntroll or Gurthtalak.